Child & Culture

One of our priorities is to prepare the child for informed participation in the world of culture and the arts and to shape their artistic and aesthetic sensitivity.

We regularly organise outings to theatres, cinemas, museums, libraries and cultural centres.

Sensory art is a highly creative, multisensory art activity for children, during which we use safe materials of all colours, textures, consistencies and even flavours. To create their masterpieces, our Preschoolers use flour, pasta, rice, milk, food colouring, fruit slices, cooked oatmeal, gruel, porridge, sugar, salt, etc.

Dziecko i kultura

This means that the activities can get fragrant, sweet, bitter, soft, rough, smooth, hard, dry or wet, but always creative!

The children create and we cheer them on as they discover their artistic talents.

 We love to organise performances, shows, competitions and concerts.

The children’s work can be admired by the parents every day at the preschool exhibition.