Mum, Dad! The day has come when your child will make their debut as a preschooler.
This is the first time they step out from under the protective wing of the parents into the ‘big world’, meeting a group of peers, teachers, trying to find their way in a new space. Everything looks different than at home, and you have to get used to a new daily routine!
This is a very important time in the development of a little person and a real family revolution! This time of adaptation can be stressful, not only for the child but also for the parents. You can count on our support, understanding and professionalism.
Each child adapts to new conditions at their own pace, and we adapt to their needs. At Da Vinci’s Preschool, we understand perfectly that grass does not grow faster if you pull it ;).
We offer children and parents free adaptation hours, during which they can spend some time in our Preschool, play with the children, get to know the teachers and ‘adjust” to the preschool environment a little bit.
Mum, Dad, come for a meeting! You can tell us about your child and their needs and find out exactly what the adaptation process looks like in our Preschool.